What is the meaning of the Brown Belt?
This represents the earth in which the roots are developing
to nourish the plant. The roots of Taeguk have formed and the growth
of the knowledge and skills continues SIR!
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View Taegeuk Form 6 Here
Written Instructions for Taegeuk Form 6 - Taegeuk Yuk Jang
- Start in the Ready or "Joon Bi" stance
- Turn left 90 degrees into left front stance, left low block
- Right leg front kick, step back into left back stance and do a left outside block at same time
- Turn right 180 degree into right front stance, right low block
- Left front kick, step back into right back stance and do a right outside block at same time
- Turn left 90 degrees into a left front stance, right knife hand high block
- Right roundhouse kick and place kicking leg down just ahead of the left foot
- Turn left 90 degrees and step into a left front stance, left outside block, right middle punch
- Right front kick and land in a right front stance, left middle punch
- Turn right 180 degrees into right front stance, right outside block, left middle punch
- Left front kick landing in a left front stance, right middle punch
- Turn left 90 degrees into a Joon Bi/Ready stance, cross both hands over your head and do a slow double low block
- Step forward into a right front stance, left knife hand high block
- Left roundhouse kick and yell "Kihap"!
- Place kicking leg down next to right foot, turn right 270 degrees into a right front stance, right low block
- Left front kick, step back into right back stance, right outside block
- Turn left 180 degrees into left front stance, left low block
- Right front kick, step back into left back stance, left outside block
- Move your right foot, turn left 90 degrees into a left back stance, double knife hand middle block
- Stepping back into right back stance, double knife hand middle block
- Stepping back into left front stance, left middle palm block, right middle punch
- Stepping back into right front stance, right middle palm block, left middle punch
- When the Master says "Bah Ro", move your right foot backward (in line with your left foot) and go into a Ready/Joon Bi stance.

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